Homeowner Information
I'm a new homeowner. Who do I contact for a pool and entrance key, parking pass and Entrance gate remote?
Call the Property Manager: 661-476-4403
I'm a new homeowner. How do I get information about the community? Go to our Website: www.vistadeldanonhoa.com or contact the Property Manager: 661-476-4403
Do I need approval from the HOA Board of Directors to change my patio deck or install new windows? For installing new lattice, doors and windows, you need an Architectural Change Form that can be found on the website in the Members Only section.
The light post by my unit has a light out. Who do I call to have it replaced? Call Property Management: 661-478-5282
Will the HOA replace the light bulb at my front door or patio? That is the Homeowners responsibility.
I have a plumber coming to fix a leaky faucet. Where is the shut-off valve? You should can find a map in the "Members Only section of the website for the shut off valves, which are in front of the units. If a plumber needs to turn off more then just your unit, they need to contact Property Management first so that the other units are given proper notification.
In case of emergency or an earthquake, where is the gas shut-off valve for my unit? These are in the alley ways behind the units.
My electricity is out in one room. Where is my circuit breakers? Each unit has its own "electrical closet" at the ends of the buildings.
If we pay someone to clean up the dog poop, why do I need to clean up after my dog, isn't that included in my dues? We have maintenance to clean up around the doggie stations and keep them filled with bags, but not to patrol and clean up the entire community, that is part of the homeowner responsibility.
I don't care that my faucet drips or my toilet runs all day long because I don't pay for my water. Do I? The HOA pays for all water bills, please repair those leaky faucets.
When is trash day? On Wednesdays...please have your trash out Tuesday night and in Wednesday night. Also, please wrap any glass bottle in a bag as they can fall out of the truck.
What about that big couch that I need to get rid of, can I just put it outside my garage? No, you need to contact Waste Management and have them come out to do a Bulk Pick Up, which is on Wednesdays and put a sign on your pick up saying "Bulk Pick Up"
How do I pay my dues? You have a few ways to pay and assessments are due on the 1st and later after the 15th.
1. Mail a check
2. Set up a monthly bank check
3. Drop a check off in the "drop box" at the pool
4. Set up a auto deduct bank payment called an ACH. This is done by going on the website, signing in under the "members only section" and filling out a form.
Why are the HOA dues so high? Actually, the dues are one of lowest in Santa Clarita...included in the assessments are: Water, Trash, Insurance, Security, Landscaping, Maintenance and more!
Tell me more about the parking and how I can get my permit? All cars on the property need to have a permit, either a Guest Pass or Regular Parking Pass. These can be obtained by first calling Southern California Security Service to set up a "Garage Verification and then after that depending on how many cars you have and the size of your garage permits are issued by the Board and Property Management. Security's number is: 661-666-0054.
What do I do if I see something suspicious? We have 24/7 Security, please contact them immediately at: 661-666-0054
My neighbor lets their dog bark all the time, what should I do? Contact Property Management or Security and if the problem continues, you can download an Animal Noise Complaint Form on our website.