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Board Meetings


The Board meetings with open forum usually take place the third or fourth Saturday of every other month at 9am at the Community Pool.  As a homeowner, and/or resident, you are welcome to attend the public sessions. Meetings may be conducted via Zoom depending on the weather.


Cancellations, time and date changes of meetings do occur sometimes at the last minute!  Please check the bulletin board in the center driveway before departure, to make sure the meeting is still being held.


Board Meetings scheduled for 2024 (subject to change):  






    October 26th

    November TBA











Regular Session Protocol 


The purpose for Regular/Open Session meetings is for homeowners & tenants to listen to the Board of Directors & Property Management discuss Association business and current/upcoming projects.  Votes may occur to approve various items such as: Minutes, financials, repairs, and/or proposals.  The agenda topics will be available to the Membership at the meeting and will be posted on our website.  As well, the Financials are available on our website at under the Members Section. 


All Regular Session meetings are recorded to ensure the accuracy of the Minutes.  Each meeting recording is deleted once the Minutes have been prepared and approved.  Audio and/or video recordings are not  permitted by attendees during Regular/Open Session meetings.     


The purpose of the Open Forum portion of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for homeowners & tenants to ask questions and/or provide statements to be briefly addressed to the Board of Directors & Property Management.  The Open Forum is not a platform to address complaints or audit-type questions directed to the Board Members or Property Management. If homeowners have these types of concerns, feel free to set up an appointment to address the Board in private. Open Forum is not the place to bring up matters outside the board's authority, be defamatory, indecent, abusive, or involve personal attacks or threats, legal or otherwise, involve personnel issues, or involve the disclosure of confidential information. During Open Forum, each attendee may address the Board for up to three minutes. A Director or the Property Manager may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. The time guideline ensures that others will have an opportunity to speak.


Please email the Board & Property Management if you have any questions or concerns.  This will ensure that your question or concern is addressed quickly and efficiently.  Maintenance issues can be raised during Open Forum but are often better addressed in writing with Property Management. 

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